A Day In The Life Of Miss DD!

Miss DD had a dream.
She saw she was in a deserted shopping mall. It was dark all around and she had the eerie feeling that something was lurking in the shadows. A mannequin emerged from there and walked towards her. It didn’t have any hair or facial features, but a pretty green blouse hugged it’s curvy body and she felt it looked really nice on it.
The mannequin asked, “Did you like what I am wearing?”
She said, “Yes!”
It offered her another piece of the same blouse. She tried it on.. But… it started choking her!
Miss DD looked at the mannequin and realised in horror that it had a mouth now and was letting out an evil laugh, exposing its pointed teeth. Wind blew from somewhere and it seemed to pass through her blouse… and there was nothing in there! Its curves were all fake to lure her into her trap. She had been tricked!
She ran towards her house hoping to hide away. She ran but her bouncing breasts were hurting her. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and ran again but the wind dragged her down. It wasn’t long before that evil mannequin caught up with her and even brought its evil friends along! She was surrounded and couldn’t keep running.
Suddenly, she heard a familiar person call her out. It was her gym master!
He declared, “I’ll help you get away from these monsters. Just take my hand!”
He stretched his hand towards her, but she could only touch it before something slapped it away. It was one of her breasts!
Those enormous orbs had suddenly come alive and were chasing away her gym master. Once he was sent away flying, the orbs pushed her down with her back against the ground and stood tall above her. And then they started absorbing everything around her.
Everything got sucked into them. Things from the house, her friends and family, everything and everyone. And all the while they kept growing and growing, weighing on her heavier and heavier.
She couldn’t bear it anymore and started crying. But all her sobs and cries for help were smothered under there. She couldn’t even breathe anymore.
“… And then I woke up.” Miss DD told her Boyfriend.
“And you decided to get breast reduction surgery? Based on a nightmare? Are you insane?” The Boyfriend still couldn’t understand.
There was no point in arguing with him further. All he understood were the big cushiony things for him to play with, and for them his mantra was “the bigger, the better”.
Miss DD left home to meet her friends who had planned a whole day of fun shopping. She was only meeting them after that for dinner, because shopping was a form of mental torture for her, as was evident from her nightmare. Her friends showed off their spoils excitedly and instead of thinking whether they looked good or not, she kept thinking…
“That one’s waist cut is so high it’ll land on my boobs.”
“Buttons are just there to provide DNA shaped windows to my interiors.”
“Deep neck.. Ehh”
“Large armholes… Ehhhhhh”
“That one’s shape is actually nice, but my boobs will refuse to fit into anything less than two sizes more than my actual size. And with that my figure will be like a pillow. Or like a trunk. What’s even the point of silhouettes, seriously?”
After the most depressing dine-out with friends, Miss DD returned home by metro. She had already gotten used to people’s wide-eyed gazes of disbelief at the size of her boobs, but there were always surprising new ways for her to get embarrassed. The peak hour metro crowd had pushed her to the sides of the car, right in front of the seats. Suddenly, the sound of a kid’s wailing rang throughout the car and everyone turned to look in her direction. It turned out that the kid sitting in the lap of his mother right in front of our heroine, had gotten scared by the indomitable presence of the double Ds above his head. The poor soul could only express his suffering this way.
Miss DD was so embarrassed she got down at the next station and decided to simply walk home. Involuntarily she stooped and lowered her head as she walked, as if that would make her breasts look smaller and non-threatening. But only a few kilometers and her back pain returned in full force.
“Darned fucking large breasts!!”
She stopped on the street, and leaned against a pole to rest. The world passed her by, all unaware of her misery and carried on with their cheerful and busy lives. Miss DD felt so alone and helpless she wanted to cry.
Just then, she saw someone emerge from the crowd and start walking in her direction. She wasn’t very extraordinary looking, but to Miss DD she looked like she was a fairy from beyond this world. Because she had big breasts the size of watermelons and she was walking with her head held high and a smile on her face. She wore comfortable clothes and though the sun shone down her valley, she didn’t seem to care at all.
Miss DD was so spellbound, that she followed her like a dog following a treat. The Woman entered a bar and ordered her drink in the loudest voice possible. She wasn’t even scared to draw attention to herself. Was she the real Superwoman?
Miss DD sat on the stool next to her at the counter and asked her sheepishly, “Um Excuse me. Could I bother you with a personal question?”
The Woman was surprised at being spoken to but smiled immediately as she saw her. She said, “Ask away my dear!”
Oh Fairy Godmother… Where do I even begin?
Miss DD related to her all that she was facing and all that she was missing out on in her life presently because of the size of her breasts. And asked without hiding any of her bewilderment, “How did you overcome it all?”
“I didn’t.” The Woman replied with a smile, “I face all those things just like you everyday. I go to bed after a long day of adjustments and compromises, only to start over again in the morning.”
Miss DD was flabbergasted, “Then how do you stay so….so….”
Positive? Cheerful? Confident? Basically everything Miss DD wanted to be.
The Woman laughed and replied, “Because all those problems are not in my control. What’s in my control is what I feel about them. And I choose to not let them bother me. It’s as simple as that!”
Miss DD couldn’t buy it, “How could it be simple? We live among people who constantly remind us that there’s something that makes us… different.”
“It makes us different, but it also makes us unique.” The Woman’s drink had arrived and she picked it up and turned to see a couple of men that had caught her attention. Before walking away, she turned back to face Miss DD.
“Try to focus on the advantages, my dear!” She winked at her and disappeared into the crowd.
It was as if a pebble had been thrown into Miss DD’s personal darkness and a tiny ray of light broke in, giving her a glimpse of the sky beyond.
Miss DD’s mind had something to chew on. What were the advantages of her large, fleshy breasts?
“They look sexy, I guess? Also they provide a lot of padding. Could they dodge a bullet?”
That night Miss DD had another dream.
She opened her eyes and saw light around her. She realised it was her own halo! She looked down and she saw herself clad in a sexy purple leotard. Her breasts were highlighted in Red and a large bejeweled B was drawn on them, horizontally, each loop of the B encircling each of the honkers.
An electronic voice spoke in her ear, “Boob Girl! The enemy has surrounded you.”
She was alerted and moved swiftly to hide behind a building. Immediately bullets rained in her direction. She simply put her hand in her cleavage and retrieved a gun. She returned fire and killed the enemy. But two more emerged in one’s place and the bullets doubled. She reached inside again and got another gun, doubling her fire as well.
Yikes! One had sneaked up on her. It called for close combat. Strapped underneath her feminine assets were combative assets. She drew a knife and swishhh… Another one bites the dust! Slowly they had surrounded her completely and she was returning fire at her max capacity. Two in each hand, and two more clenched under the arms. She just had to knock the ones under her arms against the side of her boobs and they went Pew! Pew! Pew!!! Quadrupled fire power!!!
But she was still getting overpowered! She spoke to the guy in her ear, “I can’t hold them off, Bob! They’re too many.”
Bob responded, “Then it’s time to use your ultimate weapon!”
Her ultimate weapon!
She lunged towards the pile of the dead enemies’ bodies to use it as a springboard to launch herself in the air. She twirled as she jumped and her huge breasts twirled with her dodging all the bullets.
Miss DD’s breasts could actually dodge bullets!
And then while suspended in the air she unzipped the letter B on her chest…. And…. Flashed them all!
Under the spell of those bountiful boobs, the blood rushed to their heads and the weaker ones perished on the spot. The stronger ones survived with nose-bleeds and temporary paralysis. The police came and overpowered the surviving ones easily and the public all came out cheering for me. The newscaster announced on the TV,
“The Nation celebrates as Boob Girl once again saves the day. Thank God for her Double Ds!”