A Wet Steamy Day!
Yesterday was nothing compared to today. Till yesterday I was fumbling for the right kind of words and just enjoying the cool breeze.
But today!!! Boy oh boy! I was drenched wet, both on the outside and the inside…if you know I mean?? Not getting me? let me have the pleasure of giving you the dirty details! LOLz
First things first. How did I ever manage to get Varun alone, all for myself?? Well Nidhi played the stupid cupid. The three of us were supposed to meet today as decided. But Nidhi called in sick at the last moment( though she was fit like a fiddle). And then she told Varun not to cancel today’s plans since it was too good a weather to resist going out and staying indoors.
So that’s how I ended up being alone with Varun. We had made plans to watch A-Team at GIP and so the two of us teamed up to watch just that. But if you were to ask me how was the movie, I shall say, the best one I had ever seen though I couldn’t even manage to grasp one single dialogue!
My mind was grasping something else, the proximity between me and Varun..I couldn’t concentrate on the movie must have been too obvious to him as well. As his fingers lightly brushed against mine and before I could be too surprised he held my hand in his. And boy! Did I feel good! More than that.
My sweet crush just made a move on me. It was more than I could digest. I looked in his direction and he obliged and looked back. We continued to look at each other for a while, before my gaze was interrupted.
Interrupted as his hands suddenly locked themselves around my face, and his lips found mine! He kissed me full mouthed! Probing my lips to part with the tip of his tongue, which were just too eager to part, as his tongue slid in and danced with my tongue.
What followed happened in such frenzy that my senses couldn’t grasp it immediately. As his one hand slid down and cupped my boobs, giving it a light squeeze as I groaned his name.
We didn’t care if people were looking at us, we were just too wrapped up in each other and in the heat of the moment to notice anything or anyone around us. Soon his hands were fumbling with the buttons of my shirt, as he managed to unbutton the top buttons and the cool air sneaked in giving me goose bumps, just to be replaced by the warmth of his hand which disappeared under my shirt and went beneath the bra to cup my right breast!
And the sensation of his thumb rubbing against my nipple was simply electrifying! It was nothing like I had ever experienced before. Not even the best porn can make me so wet as I was then!
And I thought that this couldn’t get any better. I couldn’t have been more wrong, as he kneeled down and his hair grazed my chest before his lips were wrapped around my nipples, where his fingers had been, just moments ago. Sucking it hard, tugging at it with his teeth and I thought I would explode right there!
A heavy moan escaped my lips, which broke the spell as he muffled my mouth with his hands before anyone else could hear us and asked me, “ Do you wanna get out of here?”. I thought and I managed to nod. since I knew this place was too small and to too inappropriate to handle what we were doing.
The confining space seemed to be too suffocating now as I buttoned up my shirt, fixed my hair with one hand combing them back and got up to get out, leaving Bradley Cooper right where he was-onscreen, while we dashed out to make our own film offscreen.
We made a beeline for his car not worrying about the pouring water. The cool water seemed to just rekindle our lust more than ever as we finally manage to stumble in the car. He looked at me again, this time I could see his gorgeous face and the hunger and lust in his eyes as he eyed me.
And I mirrored his emotions to perfection with my own expressions and move as I kneeled forward to kiss him. He was only too eager to kiss me back as his hands wrapped themselves around my back, pulling me toward him.
With the last ounce of effort, I pulled myself back and we were both panting by then. Then we were reminded why he left the movie theatre in the first place, because it was getting too hot to handle and we needed to go some place quick before we ended up in trouble. And car was not exactly the safest option.
He realized that too, as he asked me, “would you like to come over my place?” and my mind was flooded with images of me and him together, clinging and I immediately answered, “Yes”. The drive to his home felt like patience testing.
The air was thickly charged with sexual energy by now and it took great amount of willpower to restrain ourselves. The fact that my white shirt was clinging to my skin didn’t help at all, as he would frequently look in my direction, only to look away so that he wouldn’t do anything foolish right there.
Finally we were there, at his place. The engine died as he turned the ignition off to give me one last look, before he stepped out and was at my side to open the door for me. I slid out, always so conscious of him walking just inches away from me as I trailed ahead of him. Once we were inside he locked the door, to what looked like a drawing room and led me through a long passage to another room, which was a bedroom. Apparently his bedroom. I was nervous by now, my hands clammy with sweat, not rain, as I heard that familiar click of the bolt, as he locked the door.
I turned back to look at him, standing just two feet away from me , watching me earnestly before closing in the distance between us with one last stride. And there I was enclosed in his arms, tightly wrapped around me, as his wet lips locked with mine, and his hands dropped to the button of my shirts again.
Only this time he went all the way, unbuttoning me totally and peeling it off as I tucked at the hem of his t shirt and pulled it off with in one go. Before I knew it he was hugging me again, and started to move back, till my legs buckled against the edge of the bed and I fell on it with him crushing me under his weight.
Again things unfolded at a maddening pace, as my bra was gone, his jeans was gone and thrown with the shirt and t shirt, lying in a muddle on the floor. with no hindrances between us, none what so ever, history was soon repeating itself as his lips found my nipples and my nails dug into his shoulders to pull him closer. He moved down, his tongue leaving a trace everywhere starting from breasts to my navel, as he finally stopped to unbutton my jeans, which joined the muddle soon.
His face was cushioned against my inner thighs as he reached there, starting from my feet to my inner thighs, as his face lay inches away from my crotch. His fingers hooked themselves under the waistline of my panties, as he gently tucked at them, and they partially peeled off, before I stopped him. I didn’t want him going there.
Not so soon. So I found my own means to distract him as I pushed him away and straddled him, to undertake my own voyage, starting from his neck, stopping at his small nipples as I bit them, to move on and burn his chest and torso with my hot kisses, all the while my nails digging in his waist as he groaned.
Before I could even resist, he pulled me toward him, hugged me hard, my breasts mashing against his chest, and flipped over, so I was under him once again. Only he wanted to continue from where he left and I was left with no means to divert him anymore from his path. So I asked him to stop as he gently tucked at my panties. He was puzzled by this sudden aberration. And that was when I had to tell him clearly that I couldn’t go on with this any further.
And that for me the limits were drawn right here, which I didn’t want to trespass and couldn’t allow him to trespass either. He mumbled something incoherent but understood, so he got off me and just lay down by my side as my head rested against his chest and we stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity, as it could continue rain outside.
We started talking about unimportant things like how I was first attracted to him, and how he told me he noticed it and how college will be opening soon, before shifting to an uncomfortable topic again, when he asked me about my reservations regarding sex. I told him as much, and conveyed that morality had very little to do with it. I just had my apprehensions about it and was too embarrassed by the concept of oral sex.
I also admitted that I had never come this far with anyone, so probably that was the reason why I was hesitant about many things. He seemed to understand. As we continued to talk before we drifted off to sleep, only to be startled by the deafening ring of my cell. It was Nidhi, enquiring where was I.
I managed to make a lame excuse about being stuck in traffic. She bought it and asked me to make it home soon, since it was already 6 and her mom was worrying. 6! I thought. I had been with him for 4 pleasurable hours, but it felt like just 4 minutes.
Reluctantly I tore myself away from him and got ready to go home. He got ready too to drop me off, before I managed to paste one final kiss on his lips on the door, before stepping out in the sticky weather again. Once in his car, we were again wrapped up in silence, but I was at peace, so I didn’t mind staying quiet as my mind was toying with promising prospects of me and Varun finally together. Time tricked me again, as I was at Nidhi’s place earlier than I had estimated.