An Ode to the Girl Besties

Who is the most irreplaceable person in your life?
This person can come in various shapes, sizes and packaging, but you can never escape the pull of fate that’ll bring you two together, and tie you up in an unbreakable chord. A chord that’ll forever be unaffected by time, distance or calamities. You can have a gang where all are interconnected by these chords, you can have different people with each of whom you share a different coloured chord, or you can have that one all encompassing person, with whom you share a chord thicker than the thickest bridge suspension cable.
It’s the person in your life who’ll steal all your favourite accessories, sometimes before you’ve even had a chance to wear them for the first time. The person who’ll wake you up in the middle of the night when you have just dragged your tired ass to bed after a long day of work, only to cry over petty troubles. The person who’ll laugh at you when you are down and will make it a point to photograph you when you feel your ugliest.
The annoying presence that you can’t get rid of, but neither can do without.
Because when you’re really down, she’ll know just what not to say. When you’re feeling really insecure, she’ll know just how to boost you up without even appearing to try. She’ll unload all her worries on you, but you know in your heart that when it’s your turn, she will always take more than she gave.
A bittersweet bond of female friendship forged in the kiln of shared laughter and tears, amidst hugs and fights, is one of the blessings in a woman’s life. You may or may not have grown up together in real sense, but just know, that since the day you found that special connection, that you will always have that one good thing in your life at any point you find yourself alone.
A girl bestie is truly a rare multifaceted gem.
She can sometimes be a warm blanket, sometimes be the ocean breeze. She can become a sounding board for your random crazy ideas or become the all absorbing sponge for your endless drunken rants. You don’t ever have to worry about others’ opinions, because she will always be brutally honest when you need it. You don’t ever have to worry about others’ judgments either, because she will always accept you just the way you are.
Having a girl bestie means to have an ever ready partner-in-crime on the stand by. You want to thrash a D-bag on the streets? Her heels would come off faster than yours. You want to burn your ex’s house? She’ll be the one holding a can of petrol. You want to rob a bank? Guess who’ll be your getaway driver.
She will make you want to get into trouble because troubles seem endlessly more fun with her around.
And of course you wouldn’t want to miss out on the delicious curses and punches dished out by her, in case both of you end up getting caught.
A lot of friendships are based on shared interests. But the best ones will stem from shared secrets, shared bad habits and shared guilty pleasures. That little vice that the world constantly made you feel bad about; till you ran into her who had the same vice and you realised you never have to wallow in mire alone again. Or the secret indulgence that you were too shy to reveal to the world, and then she came along, who’d not only keep your secret safe but also take away all the guilt from the indulgence.
You can bare your heart out to her, show her the side of you never seen by anyone else. She’ll take all your dark secrets, and protect you from your inner demons. She’ll absorb every ray of light you emit and bounce it back to you multifold, so you can see just how beautiful you are in her eyes.
You may come across people in life who make you want to be better, but she will be the one who would make you feel perfect as you are.
She’ll be the one you rarely talk about, but also the one forever inseparable from all your precious and most cherished memories. The nights of dancing wildly, getting high and shouting yourself hoarse from the roof-tops. Shopping sprees that gave your feet blisters, birthday bashes when instead of eating the birthday cake, you were wearing it. Spontaneous trips and long drives, getting lost on the way and finding something you never expected. The time when you messed up real bad, the time you shone your brightest. Take any pick and you are bound to find her there, sometimes by your side, sometimes right behind you and sometimes in front of you holding the camera.
But of course time waits for none, and nothing stays forever unchanged. You may get separated by cities or oceans, or your paths in life may diverge. Other relationships may start taking priority and new responsibilities may not leave as much time to spare. Sometimes it may feel like you are drifting further and further apart with no chance of going back.
But I would urge you to trust your bonds. No matter how far apart you may get in distance or time, all it will take is a simple call, or the shortest text, and you will find that the distances were only an illusion. Just how you have evolved, your friendship will evolve too and become stronger.
So, let us take this moment and give it up to that essential spice in every girl’s life. The sharer of secrets and the invariable co-conspirator, the steady rock of support and wind in your sails.