Embrace Polyamory: Navigate Love beyond boundaries!

Anushka Mehta
8 min readApr 7, 2024


Photo Credit: (Pexels)

I sit in my bedroom typing away at my keyboard and I can’t help but reflect on the intriguing conversation I had with my friend Riya the other day.

You see, she is not your average Indian girl next door. She is adventurous and open-minded, and unapologetically herself. But what really caught my attention was when she casually mentioned that she is into polyamory.


The word itself carries a sense of mystery and intrigue, doesn’t it?

For those who aren’t familiar, polyamory is the practice of having multiple romantic partners with the consent of everyone involved. It’s not about cheating or infidelity; rather, it’s about embracing love in all its forms.

At first, I’ll admit, I was a bit taken aback by Riya’s revelation.

Growing up in a society where monogamy is the norm, the idea of being in love with more than one person seemed almost taboo.

But as Riya explained it to me, polyamory is all about honesty, communication, and above all, respect.

And you know what? After hearing Riya’s experiences, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration for her.

In a world where love is often seen as possessive and restrictive, here she was sitting in front of me as someone who dared to break free from those conventions.

It’s been fascinating to see how polyamory has worked wonders for Riya. She is happier, more fulfilled, and surrounded by a network of loving and supportive partners who enrich her life in ways she never thought possible.

I can’t help but wonder: maybe there’s something to be said for thinking outside the box when it comes to matters of the heart.

After all, love is limitless, and perhaps it’s time we start accepting that truth in all its beautiful complexity.

Suddenly my mind wanders to the stories of her sexual life she shared and how it helped her feel all the pleasure which she wasn’t able to achieve in monogamy.

My friend has told me many wild the stories, and to be honest, just by listening to those juicy stories, my hands went down a couple of times to try to do my own orgasm.

And in that moment, I had decided to dive more into the topic.

Even though it’s a little spicy, a little unconventional, but a whole lot of fun.

Yep, you heard that right.

To explore polyamory, you have to ditch the traditional relationship norms and accept a love life that is as diverse and exciting as we humans are.

Now, before you start clutching your pearls and gasping in shock, let me break it down for you.

Polyamory isn’t some scandalous, taboo thing reserved for the fringe of society. It’s simply about being open to the idea of loving more than one person at a time. And let me tell you, it’s got some serious perks.

Firstly, freedom!

When you are living that poly life, there are no rules dictating who you can or can’t love. You are not confined to the narrow constraints of monogamy, where jealousy and possessiveness can rear their ugly heads.

Nope, in polyamory, it’s all about open communication and mutual respect. You get to explore connections with multiple people, each bringing their own unique flavor.

Next, let’s talk of diversity.

When you are poly, your options are practically limitless. Gone are the days of swiping left and right on tinder hoping to find that one perfect match.

Instead, you get to meet some amazing individuals, and let me tell you, it’s a vibe.

But it’s not just about quantity, it’s about quality too. Polyamory allows you to build deep, meaningful connections with multiple partners, each fulfilling different aspects of your emotional and physical needs. To explain it, it’s just, you are not putting all your eggs in one basket.

Instead, you are spreading the love around, ensuring that everyone gets their fair share of affection and attention.

So, I guess modern day relationships are about saying goodbye to those toxic, monogamous relationships where jealousy and insecurity run rampant. In polyamory, you lay your cards on the table, and everyone knows where they stand. No sneaking around, no secret affairs, just pure, unfiltered transparency.

Now, I know what you’re thinking.

“But what about jealousy?”

Let’s address the elephant in the room.

Sure, it’s natural to feel a twinge of envy when your partner’s getting cozy with someone else. But polyamorists have a secret weapon called compersion, which means the joy of seeing your partner happy with someone else. It’s like turning jealousy on its head and transforming it into a warm, fuzzy feeling of love and support.

But even then jealousy can raise its head from time to time, but, jealousy can be a powerful tool for growth and self-discovery. When you are forced to confront your insecurities head-on, you come out stronger on the other side.

Now, gear up because if I say, consensual non monogamous relationships might just be the key to safer sex, you would throw your head in disagreement.

But let me tell you… it’s true.

Now, before you start raising eyebrows, let me just throw some facts from actual research studies your way.

Research from the University of Michigan has shed light and have proved that individuals in consensually nonmonogamous relationships are rocking the safe sex game like no one.

And it’s not just about using condoms.

Here, we talk about discussions of sexual history, sterilization of sex toys, and all-around responsible behavior.

But why is this the case?

Well, it turns out that consensual non monogamous couples often explicitly discuss and agree upon the rules of engagement when it comes to outside encounters.

This ultimately means that safe sex practices are prioritized and encouraged from the get-go, making it safer than the couples who are in monogamous relationships.

On the flip side, those who engage in infidelity are more likely to throw caution to the wind when it comes to safe sex. Maybe it’s the guilt, the spontaneity, or the rationalization of their behavior, whatever the reason, cheaters are more likely to skip the condoms and dive in headfirst.

And let’s not forget the role that alcohol and drugs often play in these encounters, clouding judgment and inhibiting safe sex practices.

Consensual non monogamous people are not only more responsible in the bedroom, but they are also more likely to use condoms correctly. It’s like they are pro when it comes to sexual health, and it all comes down to clear boundaries, open communication, and a commitment to safety.

Now, you might be wondering… what about the dynamics of polyamorous relationships themselves?

Well, let me paint a fascinating landscape.

With the rise of the Internet, more and more people are discovering the world of polyamory and finding partners who share their values and desires.

But make no mistake, polyamory is not for the faint of heart. It requires a level of honesty, communication, and self-awareness that can be challenging but oh-so-rewarding. And while it may never overshadow traditional monogamy, it offers a unique alternative for those who dare to think outside the box.

And oh, let’s not forget about that electrifying feeling of new relationship energy. You know, that heart-pounding, butterflies-in-your-stomach sensation you get when you’re falling for someone new?

In polyamory, you get to experience that over and over again, and that too without the guilt trip.

But it’s not just about the lovey-dovey stuff.

Of course, communication is key in polyamory. Partners navigate choppy waters by talking openly about desires, fears, and boundaries.

So maybe we could all benefit from a little more sharing. Just like how we teach kids to share their toys, polyamory encourages us to share our partners’ love and affection.

After all, sharing is caring, right?

Last but not the least,, let’s talk divoce.

With more than half of marriages ending in splitsville, maybe it’s time to rethink our approach to monogamy. Imagine if couples embraced polyamory instead of resorting to infidelity and divorce. Maybe then, we would see fewer broken hearts and shattered families.

With polyamory, women finally get the autonomy they deserve.

Non-monogamy is not just about sex. It’s about the freedom to be authentically yourself, to explore your evolving desires, and to redefine the boundaries between friend and lover in a safe and transparent way.

But I know you will think that… How can you truly love someone if you want to be with someone else?

But here is the thing.

Those questions are rooted in outdated, patriarchal ideals of love and ownership.

Non-monogamy challenges the notion that one person can complete another’s life, that love is a zero-sum game where someone always loses. Instead, it’s about recognizing that we are all unique pieces of the puzzle, and celebrating the freedom to love openly and honestly.

Obviously, there will be tears along the way, and you will be questioned, whether non-monogamy is truly making you more free or just more vulnerable to jealousy and doubt.

Since the day of the birth of a girl, she is told to wait for her prince charming. She is told that as a woman she is purely performative, designed to please men.

But with polyamory, the idea of a prince charming gets negated. You no longer have to settle for one, and with that the desire of your sexual life gets fulfilled like no other.

Girls don’t have to be in a sexually incompetent relationship, just because the guy is good otherwise. You can find sexuality in other places, and satisfy your higher sex drive.

Obviously, it’s not always easy, and it’s certainly not for everyone. But it offers a path to liberation, autonomy, and unapologetic self-expression.

So, what’s the takeaway from all this?

Well, for starters, it’s clear that consensual non monogamy isn’t just about love, it’s about safety when it comes to sexual health too. By prioritizing communication and mutual respect, polyamorous couples are setting a new standard for sexual health and well-being.

But beyond that, polyamory represents a shift in how we think about relationships. It’s about embracing diversity, exploring new possibilities, and redefining what it means to love and be loved. So, there you have it.

Polyamory isn’t just about hooking up with multiple partners. You don’t fuck with every stranger you meet, instead, you build meaningful connections.

So why not join the love revolution and explore the endless possibilities of polyamory?

After all, love knows no bounds, and neither should we.

It’s not a walk in the park, but for those of us who dare to walk on the wild side, it’s a journey worth taking.

So whether you’re curious about polyamory or content in your monogamous bliss, remember this: love comes in many shapes and forms, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to happiness.

Go ahead, explore, experiment, and above all, stay safe.



Anushka Mehta

I am someone who appreciates honesty and humanity. I love writing & drinking a glass of Red Wine! https://patreon.com/AnushkaMehta?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm