Endless Last Date

If you had a charming, smart and sexy man in your life, who cared about you a lot, and who was going to be shipped to a far away land for many months, without even a chance to talk to you to remember you by, wouldn’t it be natural to want to create some beautiful last memories with him, so he won’t forget you?
That’s what Naina wanted.
She had come a long way from failed first dates and randomly kissing girls two years ago, to actually landing a really great boyfriend. He loved her, but his work made him disappear from her life for months together. Thus, she planned a memorable date with him for the long and lonely road ahead.
Sexy black dress, fancy dinner, home for desserts, strawberries dipped in chocolate, champagne on the rooftop and making love under a million stars…
But like all great plans, this was bound to remain unexecuted. His going away date was moved up due to some emergency. They only had one night now and it was impossible to bring her plans to fruition with the current state of things. The dress was at dry cleaners, the restaurant only accepted booking in advance, and most importantly, her house was booked by her best friends and the new parents Rumi and Jijo for a night of escape from parenthood.
Naina’s heart sank, but her amazing boyfriend, though distraught, suggested cheerfully that they could still have the planned last date, by simply tweaking the minor details. Thus the new plan was formulated.
Semi-sexy black top with jeans, dinner at their favourite fast food joint, ice-cream for dessert on the side-walk and making love by the glass window of a really tall hotel’s suite.
The night went swimmingly and they were successfully at the suite to execute the crucial last leg of their date.
He closed the door and turned to look at her. She was already sitting at the edge of the bed. She tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled at him shyly. He went close to her and directly kissed her alluring lips. She hugged him close as they fell onto the bed. He put his hands inside her top igniting sparks of desire everywhere. As the passion burned with a fervour, he freed one hand to quickly switch off the lights and returned to continue exploring all the contours of her body. After a momentary darkness the room was filled with the cool moonlight and the sparkling of stars. Naina was mesmerised at the view. She wanted more…
“How about… we try something a little more exciting?” she whispered in his ear.
Like two naughty kids upto no good, they giggled as they sneaked onto the roof of the hotel through the fire escape.
They found themselves blanketed by the starry night and the cool breeze. She ran across the roof laughing as he chased her. When he finally caught her he held her waist tightly thwarting her struggles to escape. Then he pushed her against the parapet wall and punished her by taking her breath away. As he kissed her hungrily, he unbuttoned her jeans and slid a hand inside. Her tender spot was rubbed till it was throbbing and she involuntarily raised her leg to wrap around him, offering him even more of herself. He grabbed her thigh and pushed her onto the parapet, making her straddle against his own hardened member. He loosened his belt and …
Their hearts stopped as they were interrupted by the sound of glass shattering. They looked up only to find a couple of shocked and stunned hotel staff with spilled alcohol and broken glass at their feet. Before the hotel staff even had a chance to register what was happening, the raiders of their secret rendezvous had fixed their clothes and scuttled away from the crime scene.
As the criminal party reached the door of their suite after hurrying through the stairs, they caught their breath, as he fumbled for the key. She felt guilty for suggesting something so risky and said solemnly, “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.”
He stopped in his search and looked up at her surprised. After seeing her guilty expression he simply smiled and pecked her lips again.
“You didn’t.” He spoke in a comforting tone, “In fact…. That position….”
She looked at him surprised and found a mischievous glint in his eyes. And just like that they abandoned their suite once again to find the right ‘level’ of satisfaction.
They found the right level at the hotel’s kitchen counter. They sneaked in through the back door to a dark, solitary and squeaky clean hotel kitchen, whose staff were currently resting in their own quarters after a hard day’s work.
Stealthily, the two tiptoed to the furthest corner of the kitchen, and he hoisted her up once again. She could feel his breath on her neck and his wet kiss on her skin. She dug her fingers into his soft hair, and gasped. He lifted her slightly and she felt the cold steel counter-top against her buttocks as he set her back down; her pants were off in one swift move. He made a quick work of his own buttons and they were pulsating with the burning skin to skin contact. They were moving with the beating of their hearts and giving up all of their self-control….
A rookie cook ran out of the Kitchen shouting and bumped into the big burly sous-chef, who was just out for a smoke.
“Ghost! Ghost!” the rookie shouted while trembling.
The lights of the Kitchen were turned on by the sous-chef and he didn’t find anything amiss.
“See? It was just your imagination…”
“B… But I saw… in that corner… something was moving!”
“What nonsense? Just excuses to get out of doing the chores. Now where did you leave the milk?”
Sous-chef was made irritable by this rookie who kept making silly mistakes. He grabbed the milk bottles and stormed towards cold-storage, all the while cursing him. He opened the storage and… just managed to NOT drop the bottles in his hand.
Inside, two people, a male and a female, were shivering together in a dishevelled state. And that is how the two idiots who mistook the freezer for exit under panic in the dark, managed to get respectfully kicked out of the hotel.
Twice unlucky, the two started walking aimlessly on the street. Both stayed quiet as if reflecting on their sins. She looked at his face and he was staring at the gravel on the street in deep contemplation. She couldn’t help but let out a laugh. He heard her and looked at her in shock. She tried to control it, but the laughter burst out uncontrollably. He kept wanting to keep a stern face, but started laughing with her helplessly. As they kept walking they found themselves next to a gated down park. They exchanged one look and it was enough.
Inside the park on a wooden bench, he sat on the bench with her straddled across his lap facing him. Under the faint light from the streets trickling through the trees, she smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him. He lifted her shirt with one hand while the other went to cup her round bosom and…
She slapped her own exposed butt, in a very non-sexual way.
Soon they were both slapping themselves and the air, as they tried to get rid of the mosquitoes hovering all around them. They were finally forced out of the park, while scratching themselves from the love-bites they didn’t receive from each other.
By now, she had given up on her quest for making memorable love and they drearily walked into the next hotel they could spot, with the only intention of going to sleep to rest their weary bodies and souls and call it a night. However, their night was far from over.
“What are you looking at?” Naina was shocked at his tone and turned to look at him. She realised he was glaring at a man standing at a little distance from them at the hotel check-in counter. The other man looked at her head to toe as if undressing her in his perverted mind and threw back a reply, “Is there a charge for looking? How much, baby?”
Naina realised that it was probably ‘that’ kind of hotel and could tell that the loitering creatures around were similar to this sample piece. She turned to ask her ‘non-paying companion’ to leave this place, when she realised he had disappeared.
DISHOOM! And the pervert’s teeth were knocked down. His face followed his teeth to the ground and stayed there. The rest of the people surrounding them reacted quickly and jumped on him in retaliation for their fallen ‘buddy’.
Five minutes later, Naina carefully made her way across the criss-cross of limbs that covered the hotel lobby as she was led out by her hand in the hand of her saviour Knight. His grip was firm and when she saw his back, she could swear she saw a bright light emanating from him.
He kept leading her wordlessly in large strides, as they walked out of that shitty hotel, onto the street outside and into the alley around the next corner. The alley was dimly lit and deserted save for a few parked cars. He spotted the largest car and led her right up to it.
She was pushed against the side of the car, and her back arched in it’s aerodynamic shape. Her jeans were roughly pulled down, and her thighs were lifted up. Without wasting another second, he freed his rock-hard member from its bounds and thrust into her urgently. She had been anticipating this moment all night but still shivered under the sudden intense sensation. He was demanding and she willingly gave herself up to him completely, drowning them both in the cascading pleasure. He kept thrusting her into oblivion and….
A taser was stabbed into his back and they both felt the electric current surge through their joined bodies. He fell unconscious immediately and she was dropped on her bare butt to the ground. Ignoring the person who had assaulted them for the moment, she bent over him worriedly, patted his face and called him out to make him come around. He didn’t respond.
“It’s you!”
The assaulter called out in a female voice and Naina stopped in her actions as she felt the voice sounded familiar. She looked up and saw a tall girl with a different style of bob-cut hair, but a pretty unmistakable face. She held a raised taser in one hand and kept looking at her with wide open eyes.
Naina was shocked at the coincidence of this encounter. After impulsively kissing her two years back, she had felt a wave of embarrassment and asked Rumi, the one who introduced them, to apologise on her behalf and tell her to forget about it. The response she had received was perfectly cordial and expressed agreement on the ‘forget about it’ part. A few months later she heard that Isabella had quit her job and started her own venture. Since then they had never crossed paths again.
“I thought you were getting raped!”
Isabella was still trying to process everything that was happening. Naina stood up and finally explained to her the whole failed adventure of their night. In return, she was given an explanation for the violence shown by the other. It turned out, the car they had chosen in the heat, to bang against, was Isabella’s. She came out to find them in that state and assumed the worst that could happen in a deserted alley.
“But what were you doing outside at this hour? Do you live around here?” Naina noticed that a few things didn’t add up.
Before Isabella could reply, they heard a groan from somewhere behind them. The unconscious man was finally coming around. They helped him get up and Naina introduced them. The guy was in no mood for pleasantries or responding to the fervent apologies. Thus Naina could only ask Isabella to help them get to a decent hotel somehow.
Isabella looked at them for a second and opened the backseat of her car to take something out.
“Follow me.” she threw out two words before turning towards the building entrance right next to them. Naina exchanged a confused look with her man before deciding to follow her.
They took a lot of steps up the winding staircase to end up in an apartment lobby. Isabella led them towards a grey metallic door and retrieved a key from the fire hydrant to unlock it. They stepped out onto a terrace that was beautifully landscaped with wavy stone paths, a water fountain and a gazebo in the middle.
“It’s my on-going project. I came out here tonight because I was worried that the orchids would get spoiled if it rained. I had to move them into shade.” Isabella pointed to the saplings waiting to get planted on the side.
Naina took in the marvellous sight in front of her, and was amazed at what this girl had achieved. She vaguely remembered this wasn’t the first time she was amazed by her.
Isabella handed her a rolled up furry blanket, the thin AC kind that she had kept in the back of her car and said, “You can spend the night here. No one will disturb you. Just make sure to leave the key at the same spot.”
Naina accepted the blanket in a daze and watched her walk away and disappear behind the grey metallic door.
“So considerate of her! No?” his surprised voice from behind her broke her daze and she nodded in response.
But internally she thought, “Nothing to be surprised about, she’s always this considerate. And always worrying about something or the other…”
She chuckled to herself as she thought that, and turned around to go to the gazebo and spread the blanket out. Her planned date of making love under the stars was finally about to materialise.
— -
Isabella reached her car for the second time that night. She stopped and stared at the spot where she had seen them doing it a few minutes ago. Her face scrunched in a little displeasure at the memory. She looked up towards the terrace garden and tried to picture what was going on over there.
“This is stupid.” She sighed and finally got into her car.
A familiar shout rang through the alley and Isabella was hit by a deja vu. She got out of her car to see Naina running towards her. But this time, she didn’t throw herself into her arms again, and stood at a distance, simply looking at her.
Naina said, “I just wanted to ask you something. Is that okay?”
Isabella didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as she shrugged out an ‘OK’
“Why did you quit your job at Rumi’s firm?” Naina asked.
Isabella looked at her questioningly for a moment and laughed.
“I just decided to follow my heart.” Isabella replied, “It’s funny you should ask. I was actually inspired by a fearless girl who simply did whatever she wanted to without worrying about anything else. Care to guess who?”
Naina felt her cheeks getting hotter, she said, “But I’m not fearless. I have been very afraid.”
Isabella stopped laughing as she saw her serious expression. Slowly Naina spoke each sentence as she walked towards her, “I was afraid you weren’t into women; afraid you wouldn’t like me; afraid no one would ever like me and mostly afraid… I wouldn’t like anyone else as much as I like you.”
Naina was standing so close to her, she could see the faint colour rising in her cheeks even under the dim street light.
Isabella broke their eye contact as she muttered, “But… You said…. It was a mistake….”
Strengthened by her reaction, Naina boldly decided to take her hand in both of hers; and she was met with no resistance. Isabella looked at their joined hands and then looked up at her. She took in her smiling face and counted her strumming heart-beats against every passing milli-second of this beautiful sight.
— -
A broken-hearted man returned to his long and arduous duty, never to be heard from again.
Isabella is still a ‘bella’, but Naina likes to go by ‘Hanna’ these days. And they hope that everyone can overcome their fears, to finally be with their fated one.