Four Tips For Better Kissing

In a world full of dating apps and hookup culture, it’s easy to forget the lost art of kissing. A good kiss can be the difference between a casual fling and a lasting relationship. Here are some tips on how to make your next kiss unforgettable.
1. Get in the moment: Whether you’re at a party or on a first date, clear your mind and be present. Pay attention to your partner and let yourself be fully immersed in the experience. Forget about your to-do list or that looming work deadline. This is about connection, not distraction.
2. Make eye contact: Maintaining eye contact during a kiss can be electric. It’s an intimate act that requires trust and vulnerability. By looking into your partner’s eyes, you’re opening yourself up in a way that can deepen the connection you share.
3. Soften your lips: No one wants to be kissed by a brick wall. Relax your lips and let them slightly part so that your partner feels welcomed. Take your time and savor the moment instead of going in for the kill right away. Slow and steady wins the race!
4. Use your hands wisely: Gently place your hands on your partner’s face, neck, or back to draw them closer. But don’t go overboard — too much groping can kill the mood quickly! Keep it light and let your hands express what words cannot say.
Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a kissing novice, these tips can help you take your skills to the next level. The next time you find yourself leaning in for a kiss, remember to relax, make eye contact, soften your lips, and use your hands wisely! With practice, you’ll be able to master the lost art of kissing in no time.