Let’s Flick It!

Growing up, it is only girls in India who are told to behave ‘like a girl’ and ‘sit like a girl’ and ‘dress up like a girl’. Boys, on the other hand, are always free to talk about whatever they want and sit, walk or even shout about whatever they want. What they do behind closed doors is not a secret. Boys are allowed to discuss the specifics of any porn they watch and the new methods they discover as they grow to please themselves. But god forbid if a girl does the same.
Talking about female masturbation let alone doing the act is a taboo. But as times have continued to evolve, so have the orthodox mindsets. It is not that females do not seek pleasure but it is the social and religious stigma that has been attached to the concept that makes female masturbation a big big issue. But why refrain from something that results in something so beautiful, organic and pleasurable. Yes, I am talking about the female orgasm. A female orgasm is considered one of the most beautiful natural feelings in the world and why should we, the women, deprive ourselves of this pleasure because societal elements think otherwise.
While many females do masturbate, many do not even think about doing the deed. Moreover, the females who masturbate do it secretly, without ever accepting that they do so.
Why is it that something that has long-lasting health benefits is considered a sin?
Why is this act allowed for men to do, as and when they please, but a woman is called many names if she indulges in this?
It is the lack of conversation around this topic that makes it a sin-worthy one.
Masturbation in both males and females is supposed to garner with health benefits ranging from better sleep to better skin. In females, it is said that masturbation eases sexual tension and anxiety. Moreover, regular masturbation in females lessens menstrual cramps, therefore, making periods easy. Masturbation also eases sex pain and a woman who is aware of her body is likely to perform better during sex than a woman who is blank about the same.
Despite the many benefits, the lack of awareness around masturbation leads to only one in five women prioritising their sexual Health. A lot of unaware women consider that masturbation may harm them and make them unacceptable for sex.
The scandalisation of a female orgasm over the years has led to this deteriorating mindset. But as time continues to fly, we have many sexual health experts who are coming out and speaking only about the wide range of benefits of having an orgasm. It is an experience no woman should miss out on and why should we miss out on it when it has the power to change our moods, uplift them so drastically.
Endorphins are known to release stress and if the act of releasing stress and feeling so much pleasure is an amazing one, why would anyone be embarrassed about it. Techniques and tricks are available in huge numbers to help a woman climax and I would suggest you, take the task in your hands, quite literally, and get going.
It is the beauty of being a female that a girl is able to experience this shaking and wonderful experience. Why stigmatise something so beautiful? Additionally, it is no hidden fact that many women who have regular sex feel they are not being pleasured enough and all for the right reasons.
While men exist who prioritise their partner’s pleasure, most of them only are in a hurry to do the deed and therefore deprive their female counterparts of an orgasm. A lot of women have at least once in their life faked an orgasm and this speaks volumes of why we need more females and males to come out and remove this taboo associated with female masturbation and orgasm.
The jokes, the female targeting and the lack of awareness might be funny at times but imagine the number of women who are afraid to experiment with their own bodies and deprive themselves of the basic sexual pleasures?
It is 2021 and it is high time that we let the concept of women power actually exist and have more and more important conversations around normalising female masturbation and orgasm, both of which are acceptable and imperative for a lady.
The sense of exploration that comes along with masturation will also help women realise what sets them off and the beauty of discovering yourself, your sexuality and your pleasure points in incomparable.