Letting Go of The Toxic Relationships

We all have at one point in life dealt with a partner who was shrewd in nature, manipulative in their habits and controlling in their behaviour.
A toxic relationship can prove to be extremely tough on one’s emotional and mental well-being, leaving one with a trauma that can last long if not worked upon.
The victim in a toxic relationship loses their self-worth, confidence and begins living in a world of insecurity and over-thinking, at one point even feeling trapped and responsible for their toxic partner’s actions. Guilt-inducing, aggressive, and over-reactive behavior are a few traits of a toxic partner. While we may realize that breaking up with such partners is a must, we also know the layers of complexities it comes with. So let’s see how to break away from such patterns and move towards a healthier mental well-being status.
One has to and always should begin the wave of change by putting their own needs above the rest. The first step towards this is realizing what you have been missing out on for a long time i.e a positive and balanced outlook towards life.
When in a toxic relationship, one tends to see everything from a negative point of view and hope for the worst, but once this pattern stops, one can go through the entire process of moving over a toxic relationship successfully.
The next part deals with realizing your own contribution in the rise of toxicity that you suffer yourself. Manier times one tends to ignore the red flags, the obsessive behavior patterns, the constant bickering over small issues, the manipulative tricks, and the ability to gaslight tend to go ignored when one falls in love.
We take these red flags as minute imperfections and think of them as nothing serious, but in turn, it steals our peace. So these red flags should not be ignored and be questioned and reflected upon properly.
The self-blaming needs to stop too. When your partner questions your choices, begins asking too many questions, and indirectly wants to have you all for themself, the self-blaming begins. We start questioning ourselves, “Maybe I was wrong in calling my friend without asking my boyfriend”, “My girlfriend loves me way too much to spend any time away from me” and many such thoughts cloud your judgment.
This is where you think that you have been making wrong choices all your life and your partner is concerned about them when in turn the shrewd and manipulative partner is just getting what he seeks, for you to question yourself. The moment you stop doing this, you realize how clouded your judgment became and how you were never the one in the hot seat!
One must know when to remove themself from the relationship. This is a crucial step and the most imperative one when dealing with a toxic person. The day you decide to remove yourself and your presence from the other person’s life, the job gets half done. This may only sound easy in theory but in practice is a lot harder.
Your ability to reshape and redeem your self-worth and esteem only begins after you remove yourself from the relationship. It becomes pivotal to know when to stop giving without receiving anything in return.
Giving a deadline and a final warning becomes significant and once that deadline is over, try to see yourself from the position of strength rather than a weakness because you did give everything to the relationship and the partner, but it is important to draw boundaries for the sake of your own well being.
Sometimes the brightest days are seen after the darkest hours and the best decisions come as a result of putting a stop to certain things, including your relationships.