Reading-My companion through all seasons

“For men may come and men may go but I go on forever”- well if you know this, you know Lord Tennyson created this masterpiece for his poem “The brook”. But I, feel this also can describe my love for reading.
I am sure I’m not the only one who feels the same way. It is no doubt that books are man’s best friend. One can read during a train journey, during a long night, over the weekend or even while having a cup of coffee on a beautiful rainy day.
If I had to choose the best invention of mankind, I would choose books over the internet any day. If we know history today, it’s only because of the volumes of books mankind has gifted us.
Through hours of perseverance and patience, a book is written and it is capable of enriching us with years of experience and wisdom only through a few thousand words.
Reading is a process through which we can grow, develop and fructify our thoughts into ideas. Has a book ever fought with you? I’m sure never. You can hold a book close to your heart and travel the world with it.
Many times, a bad day is turned into a beautiful one through reading. We come back from a dreadful day at work, we see everyone around has fallen asleep, but we wish to unwind this bad day we had. What do we do?
We pick up a book and spend a few hours with it and just like that our night is made and a smile welcomes us in the morning! Any trouble, any woe or any issue that bothers you can be given an escape with the help of a book.
Reading can always prove to be a flight from the worries of everyday monotonous life. Books can be the food for our soul. Reading something that makes you happy, keeps you informed and entertained, what more would anyone else want?
Everyone has seen a bad time during their life, even the times when those closest to you have been far away and you had nobody for yourself! Well, did you have nobody if you had a book?
Reading is capable of offering you solace in this lonely world. You can always pick up volumes of books and go through them in your free time or during the times when you feel that nothing else is working out.
What is important here is, we may see reading as a form of entertainment but we often ignore the wisdom, empathy and enlightenment they bring to our lives. The act of empathy and humanity that the world needs is not taught on whiteboards but through the words written on the pages of a beautiful book.
Not only that, but books are also capable of reaffirming our faith in humanity, teaching us the basic moral purposes and guiding us when the world sees a dark time such as it is currently. There remains no doubt that reading is directly equivalent to learning.
It is through characters, storylines, plots and the fictional works of a writer we can sometimes even find the solutions to our problems. It’s not uncommon to find a storyline that actually
matches a crucial situation in your life and at times small victories can be found when the characters in the books achieve what they’ve been longing for. Such small feelings are often priceless.
All in all, through a book you can live many lives, many times and through numerous characters. The grasp of reading is a strong pull that not many feels, but those who feel it cannot stop once they start. So, even if there are questions unanswered you can seek them through reading and even if you can’t find answers, don’t worry!
Because when did life ever become about finding all the answers? It has been about discovering the uncovered and reading will always be there to take you to lands unknown.