Seven Books That Touch The Artist In Me

One of the most difficult components of creative work is, well, actually sitting down to do it. There are numerous methods for releasing one’s creativity. Some writers say they wait for inspiration, while others say they write every day so that their best work can be seen at some point. Some artists insist on being unique, while others believe that the best artists beg, borrow, and steal ideas from other artists. Some creatives need to work in a noisy cafe or while listening to music, while others require utter stillness.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to unlocking your creative potential, but we believe in learning from the masters and charting your own path based on what speaks to you. Whether you work on a painting or a spreadsheet, these are seven books that will inspire your inner genius.
Being book lovers and explorers, we’ve curated a list of inspiring books for you that can help you get right to it- go grab these titles soon!
1. The War of Art
You must read The War of Art if you’ve ever had a creative block (which is basically all of us). It’s a step-by-step approach to achieving success in your creative activities. Bestselling novelist Steven Pressfield discusses the “enemy” that every artist must confront: the inner voice that stifles creativity. This book will give you the kick in the pants you need to overcome your worries and get on with your most essential work if you’ve ever struggled with ambition and creative discipline.
This is a wonderful and inspiring read for anyone who is a writer, painter, or tech entrepreneur.
2. On Writing
Oh, my god. Half memoir, part writer’s handbook, Stephen King’s For any writer, On Writing is a must-read. He’s published over fifty books, therefore he’s an expert on the subject. He juggles stories from his undergraduate days and a near-death experience with a tactical writer’s toolkit and writing tasks. Some of our favorite pieces of advice include: I’ve been reading a lot of wonderful books.
Every single day, write. Keep it short and sweet. Tell your story in such a way that your readers can see the movie that is playing in your head as you write. This book is indeed a true treasure.
3. Steal Like An Artist
Steal Like An Artist is a fantastic, fast-paced 160-page read. You might even want to take out the book’s simple black and white animations and place them on the wall above your desk. You’ll feel as if you’re having a chat with a good friend while reading this book by Austin Kleon. The primary assumption of this book is that being yourself is the most crucial aspect of becoming an artist. He also reveals a little-known reality about creativity: nothing is truly unique — and that’s perfectly fine.
4. Big Magic
Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert, the popular author of Eat Pray Love, is a fantastic book about “creative living beyond fear.” While Gilbert focuses on her particular skill (writing), this book would appeal to anybody interested in doing creative work — and Gilbert would argue that we are all doing creative work, regardless of our jobs or hobbies. After reading this book, you’ll have a new perspective on what it means to be “creative.”
A chapter in Big Magic when she depicts creative ideas as entities in and of themselves struck a chord with me. She discusses how ideas pass from one person to the next until someone is ready to act and bring the concept to reality.
5. Bird by Bird
There are many books about writing, but if you want to get right to the point and read one of the greatest, try Bird by Bird. You’ll see why Anne Lamott is a beloved author once you read this. If her literary approach could be encapsulated in a song, it would undoubtedly be Fleetwood Mac’s “Go Your Own Way” — and her way is a very excellent way to go.
Bird by Bird, like Stephen King’s On Writing, is a collection of writing and life tips. Her stories will keep you engrossed the entire time, making you laugh and cry when you least expect it. Her main bits of advice are to not be afraid to create sloppy first drafts, to not show your first draft to anyone, and to write at least 300 words per day. To both budding and experienced authors, this book will feel like a warm hug.
6. The Artist’s Way
The Artist’s Way is designed in a course-like manner, leading you through a series of activities over the course of a 12-week period to help you unleash your inner creativity. If you’re having trouble with writer’s block, this is a great book to read. Please be aware that this book necessitates active participation. You won’t get nearly as much out of this one if you don’t want to complete genuine workouts.
However, if you’re serious about reactivating your creativity, this book offers a step-by-step guide that will assist you in doing so. Morning pages is one of the most popular exercises in this book, in which you’re instructed to write for three entire pages every morning without pausing.
7. Creative Confidence
Creative Confidence is produced by IDEO, which should tell you a lot about what you can anticipate from this book. By stressing human-centered design, the organisation has altered innumerable businesses. More than any other resource on our list, Creative Confidence is for everyone — especially entrepreneurs who want to think about solving problems and producing products in a more creative way.
IDEO founder David Kelley and his brother, IDEO partner and bestselling author Tom Kelley, collaborated on this book to help readers unlock their creative potential — and they think we are all born with it. You’ll get a lot out of this thought-provoking book, whether you’re an accountant or an artist, a lawyer or a writer.
We hope that one of the books on this list inspires you to unleash your creative genius. If you’re ready to get started and want a list of tools and resources to aid you in your creative endeavors, look no further. Go ahead, and make things happen!
I have written 4 books. My latest is ‘Datebook’ which is a guide to modern dating. Click on the link to know more