Give Us Some Space, We Are Also Human!

Miley-Kaitlin make-out pictures recently broke the internet. They quickly became the hot topic of gossip all over social media platforms! But can we stop for a minute, and ask WHY?
Why did it break the internet? Why does a celebrity need to “announce” his/her sexual orientation, if they go anyway other than ‘straight’? Why is a picture of two same-sex celebrities kissing made such a big deal of?
It is understandable that all celebrity PDA catch publicity. But there is something totally different in the Miley-Kaitlin case.
All the news articles and blogs speaking of this viral piece of information are not publicising the relationship or the PDA, per se. They’re all putting the sexuality under the microscope. They’re all screaming themselves hoarse with slogans of Miley being bisexual.
Closer home, Karan Johar has faced many such interview questions and “harmless” coffee-with-karan jokes on his expense.
It is not the incredibility of the massive empire he has created in Indian cinema that interests us. It is not even his getting away with lame, unidimensional and predictable plot lines that marvel us. It is his sexuality that we must find out about.
After Section 377 was decriminalised in India, one would think that it would mark a beginning of an era of same-sex marriages.
But did it? Granted that we cannot be arrested for engaging in sex if we identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or Queer. Granted that we can marry into the gender of our choice. But can we really? In a society where cross-religion and cross-caste marriages meet an unfortunate fate, are same-sex marriages free of taboo and ostracism?
Gender-identity is perhaps one of the most sensitive topics for mankind, matched only by Racism. Same sex relations are an eyesore for most of the people, because they threaten the intelligence of a mind that has been taught gender-singularity.
It is a common insult to call men ‘faggots’ or ‘feminine’ for even most basic acts of love, affection, emotional display or fashion sense.
Women that don’t conform to docility and suppression of basic sexual or other instincts, are branded ‘loose’ or ‘manly’. Even if a woman has broad shoulders or angular features or sharp jawlines, they are called ‘manly’.
That is society for you. That is mass-ideology. Underdeveloped minds that lack individual perspectives follow a set of rules.
These rules are collectively conditioned in our minds generation after generation, in the form of religion, cinema, songs, games, stories, fables, jokes and parental reprimands. Most minds are too constrained to unlearn these taboos, and treat them as gospel truths.
It is therefore incredulous and sinister for a closed mind to perceive and accept the fact that being identified as a different form of gender from what they have learned, can exist in the same world as theirs.
Their defence mechanism automatically resist this revolting information and they either rush to ban such existence through law and religion, or they create a taboo out of it.
The taboo they create is so deep rooted that the differences become synonymous to abuses and such existence is mocked collectively and guiltlessly!
What we fail to understand, while we are busy resisting fresh perspectives, is the fact that these new arenas are worthy of being tested by ourselves.
They are new opportunities of exploration in our journey of truly understanding ourselves. They add to the diversity of our world, and create a wholistic approach towards life!
Moreover, there is more than just moral benefits of accepting, exploring and acknowledging benefits of same-sex relationship. Could you imagine the pleasure one can derive if their partner knows their bodies well, because they have the same body too!?
CAN YOU IMAGINE! As a straight-gender, you’ll never know what it is to be loved by someone who shares your body, emotions and troubles at a physical level.
Then again, maybe that is why we ostracise them? Because we’re jealous!