Ten New ways To Dump Your Cheating Partner

If you’ve been cheated on in a relationship, it becomes a cocktail glass for you. The cocktail here refers to the mixed whirlwind of emotions like humiliation, self-doubt, confusion, grief, and anxiety. It is that cocktail you have to drink and suffer because a broken human heart is home to a bunch of troublesome emotions.
Suffering is very personal; you cannot share your feeling. It sucks you from within, but being in a toxic relationship fucks up your mind and soul even harder. So it’s better and necessary to dump your boyfriend if you know he’s being a jerk to you and cheating on you.
There are various ways by which you can do that to him:
- Firstly, try to be blunt and straightforward and make it very clear to him on his face. Talk to him one-on-one if you can. Try to confront him in person, not on calls or texts, because sometimes you can make the other person understand in-person better; you cannot do that over a virtual conversation.
- Choose a time when you can have some privacy and put away distractions like phones on silent so you can talk freely. Make it clear to him that you cannot tolerate his toxic behavior.
2. Secondly, if talking to him becomes suffocating for you because you know he’s lying to you, you should better avoid his texts, emails, and video calls. It will either end your relationship automatically or if the relationship continues, better play the blame game and accuse him of not communicating and attempting to iron out the differences.
Charge him for the whole drama and end your relationship. Eventually, it will make you feel good because he deserves this for cheating on you. At least you will be satisfied in the end that you did not let him dump you.
3. Thirdly, if you don’t want any closure or don’t think he’s worthy of any clarification, avoid him for a few days and then block him without saying a word. This will confuse and mess his mind up, just as the thought of him cheating on you messed up your mind.
Because sooner or later, he deserves to be ditched because he cheated on you with another girl. He made you feel worthless by giving another girl your place, so he should probably feel the same.
4. Fourthly, try spending more time with your guy friends. Go to parties, call them over to your place, and go out to lunch or dinner. This is the most triggering point for boys. This hits hard on their male egos. No man likes his girl spending more time with her male friends than him.
This will make him feel envious by one hundred percent. He will realize how it feels to get dumped by your partner for someone else. What could be a better way of leaving and taking revenge for cheating?
5. Another way of splitting up with him is to refrain from clingy intimate relationships and maintain appropriate new boundaries to avoid confusion and excessive stalling. This will automatically make him wonder what made you stop being physical with him. If he’s smart enough to get the hint, he’ll leave you alone, but if not, tell him straight up that you’re not going to put up with that claptrap any longer.
6. Come to the sixth way: confront the girl with whom he is cheating on you. Tell her what kind of a jackass he is. It might happen that the other girl is not aware of you, so she is with him. So, in that case, things need to be clarified. After that, you can punish him for his deeds and leave him alone by ending the relationship. Try making things clear with the second party because there’s quite a possibility of her unawareness.
7. Seventhly, don’t let your emotions overpower you while you are breaking up with him. At least have a command of your feelings when talking to him. Don’t let him know you’re emotionally broken. This makes the other person feel satisfied by knowing that their absence is killing someone from within. So try to act as cool as a cucumber and show that the end of this relationship hardly affects you or your life.
8. Our eighth way is to gather your guts and talk about what you already know happened between your boyfriend and the other sweetheart he’s seeing. Keep a clear head and give voice to the information without getting angry or upset.
Keeping yourself cool is the most important thing here. Focus on the fact that you’re thinking of giving a climax to the relationship, and all you need to do is get over the breakup conversation. It can help you stop getting psychic.
9. Another way is that you don’t let him give grounds for his deeds or blame someone for causing him to cheat. However, you can be a bigger person and give him the latitude to be open about any hassle or downheartedness in your relationship. But don’t forget that cheating is a choice that he made, and you don’t have to feel pity for him or be accountable for his actions.
10. Lastly, keep yourself away from asking questions that can keep you in agony in the future and keep you from heading on in life.No feeling hurts harder than the feeling of devastating emotions and a broken heart. After ending a toxic relationship, don’t stop your feelings. Let the tears flush out of your eyes.
Sometimes crying is good; it lets you heal from the pain and makes you even more potent and smarter for future tantrums. Do not scroll through your old chats; delete all their pictures from the gallery of your devices.
Be around your loved ones, and get love from your parents. Don’t receive any calls or texts from your ex. Yoga and meditation also helps heal your mind and soul and prepare you for a fresh start.