To all the Grammar Nazis out there-Happy Grammar Day!!

‘It’s not their, it’s they’re’ ‘You’re welcome not Your welcome’ ‘Please call it data and not data’- Is half of your life being spent correcting people’s grammar? Well then, you should identify yourself as a proud Grammar Nazi my dear friend. As much as your friends might be irritated with your Grammar skills and your continuous ability to correct them on each of their sentences, you do know you are just doing it to preserve the English Language, aren’t you?
Well, let’s have a look at a few traits of a Grammar Nazi:
The proud sense of satisfaction
This sense arrives immediately after you see people using the correct tenses and pronunciations. It also takes over your heart completely when you correct someone’s pronunciation by saying ‘Hey, it’s swe-eet (suite) not suit’, someone whom you barely know. By now you are used to the looks you receive when you jump on being the ‘preserver’ of grammatical rules.
A sense of rage is not unknown to you
This sense blinds all your other senses. Imagine, sitting in a conference and your boss shares a slide with the title ‘Men cry to’, your heart skips a beat seeing the ‘to’ and you immediately know that your rage within your heart is growing, but alas! There’s absolutely nothing you can do at this stage, the rage will die within a few hours (or days maybe?), who knows?
Grammar Nazi jokes hit you hard
Your friends share memes and jokes on habits of being a Grammar Nazi, only with you and there’s no wondering why. You know how your friends love making fun of you but deep down you also know that had you not been correcting them since forever, they would be the ones on the receiving end of these jokes. So, you are proudly the flag bearer of ‘correct grammatical usage’ and have no shame in that!
A firm believer of the fact that punctuation indeed can save lives!
‘I like eating babies and cars’–this sentence may land someone in jail and you believe it should because how hard is it to use commas anyway? For you, punctuation is pivotal, and you do realise how confusing life can be without proper punctuation.
Tiny typos on public forums immediately attract your attention
Those comment wars that you have won on Facebook, wouldn’t exist had grammar rules not existed. Thanks to your exceptional grammar skills, you can correct typos of random comments on Social Media channels.
My dear friend, I sincerely hope that this was a fun read for you and wish you endless years of being a Grammar Nazi! Here’s to using more spell check!