To Be Or Not To Be Or May Be?

He parts the wet inner lips of my vagina and strokes my clitoris once….twice….and begins rubbing it gently…
I moaned in sweet pleasure. He picked up pace, “gentle….” I say to him, but he smirks and moves on to the place my hand over his shaft. I snatch my hand and he takes this for playfulness…
What an idiot! Do boys really not understand what female pleasure means? It seems unfortunate that so many of the men I have dated have been oblivious to female pleasure. Even the ones that paid attention to my pleasure needs were in all together a great hurry to get to theirs! Most women I know on the other hand have been great manipulators of the male body. This isn’t even my personal pronouncement, this is the popular word!
I might really fall for a guy because he is courteous, confident or smart but what really makes me stay is a guy’s caliber to give me pleasure. Is it really so difficult, to satisfy the sexual needs of an easily pleased woman like me?
The blast of cold air from the AC on my face brings me back from my ranting. I have arrived at Café Coffee Day for a catch-up with two of my oldest and closest friends, Rhea and Mallika.
They have already started without me, and are both sipping a cool blue from the same glass. I have long suspected that they are dating and haven’t told me from fear of disturbing the equation the three of us share.
“Look at the love bird!” I say teasing. Rhea smiles and looks at Mallika who is rolling her eyes at me. I sit down and order a Latte.
“So…what’s up?” asks Rhea.
“Work, music and new boyfriend apparently…”
“New boyfriend..?”
“Yes, met him a week ago. But, don’t bother; I have a feeling he isn’t here for the long run.”
“What did this one do?” asks Mallika with a smirk.
“Nothing….and that is the problem.” I reply, “He is not very well trained in the art of sexual pleasure, if you must really know.”
“Men seldom are Fariha!” says Rhea as the three of us break out into smiles.
“I really want to cum at the hands of a man I like and then pleasure him. It’s not much to ask.
Be gentle, be patient, listen to my queues and I will reciprocate! That’s all I want!” I say in exasperation. This makes them laugh. If they are so eager on sex, then, they might as well learn how to do it well.
“How have your experiences been? Did the guy ever make u come before he wanted you to get into his own pants?” I ask the two of them.
“More or less the same. Although, there was once a man I met when I had just begun working in publishing. He had been working there for almost two years then.
I went out with him on five or so dates, and then one night he came home and I had the best night of my life. He opened me up, patiently waited for me to be ready, and then made me scream with pleasure as I came. When he saw that I was done, he asked me for permission to continue!
I was shocked and vowed to give him a hell of a night in return.” Rhea speaks up. “But, that was before I realised I was bisexual. Since then, I have come to the conclusion that women, especially older women are wonderful sexual partners.”
Mallika is beaming by the time Rhea is done narrating her story. “She is right, you should try it sometimes!” says Mallika.
“No, thank you! I am as straight as a flagpole” I answer.
We continue our banter for another hour and then, I say goodbye and take my leave.
I step outside the café and look back on my friends through the glass entrance. They are still talking and ‘high-five-ing’ each other. Rhea catches Mallika’s hand into hers and looks at her with intent. There is no doubt in my mind that they are together, I can almost feel the spark between the two of them through the glass door.
‘You should try it sometimes!’ Mallika had said, maybe I will…