What The Fart!

As internet gets more bizarre by the day, we might have touched a weirder high. Surat was recently breaking twitter, and for all ‘pad’ reasons.
No, that is not a typo. It is the literal and the solemn truth. Surat has been farting away it’s business blues in farts. There are farting competitions being organised by restaurants and organisers. There is a stage, a trophy and everything. I kid you not.
A certain gentleman named Yatin Sangoi, who is a professional singer and performs Bollywood and Punjabi numbers at corporate events, came up with this bright idea. So the Twitter, of course, took it all to heart and made it viral.
A couple of restaurants and organisers joined in this hearty celebration of the wonders of gas.
In the spirit of this ‘farting’ drama, one wonders where we went wrong, no? How screwed up does the situation of a people should be for them to resort to such comedy in order to restore some semblance to order in life?
How bizarre does a situation need be for the people to start such ridiculous and juvenile trends? It is true that our economy has been in shambles lately. With our declining economy and our complete ignorance to sanitation, cleanliness, overpopulation crisis, and the gender inequality we are making a complete mess. And this mess need some kind of release!
We are a people still fighting for equal rights and equal pay. We are a people still governing our society by religious laws as old as time itself! A guy’s gotta laugh, right?
When there is nothing in the real realm of this world to laugh about, we tend to create the most ridiculous of situations for a hearty laugh. That is perhaps the reason behind our tik-tok videos as well.
From a girl holding a cup of tea and saying “fraands chai pi lo”, to a grown man lip-syncing on “thukra ke mera pyar mera intekaam dekhegi”, while shedding water-tears. India has resorted to the ridiculous and it is difficult to decide wether this is a good this or a bad one.
Nevertheless, Gujarat has had a ‘farty’ laugh…. a hearty laugh I mean, and it seems to be a healthy thing too. Laughter IS the best medicine.