When Men Start Hitting On A Painting

“Look at the breasts on that one”
This is a common phrase on bus-stops and stations. It is more common than the tardy means of transport itself.
Nothing I say about these sleazy roadside comments will surprise you, if you are a woman. However, mankind has taken a different turn altogether.
Twitterati came up with a screenshot of men posting sleazy comments on a post that had a watercolour painting of a semi nude girl, seemingly from the Renaissance era. Yes. Men posted sleazy comments on a painting. A watercolour painting.

This came across as so sad that it was borderline hilarious. The hilarity did not stop there. More men came, brandishing their flags of masculine superiority.
These men sabotaged the retweet section by disowning their south-asian counterparts, and conveniently washing their hands off this blame.
Men telling other men that they’re wrong, for things that are universally relevant. Yet, somehow, we womenfolk have a reputation of turning on each other!
We are in a world where we have a trending hashtag of ‘free the nipple’ movement, and at the same time we have men getting their heat on by a watercolour painting.
As I sat down to write, today, I was overwhelmed by the situation of things. An unclothed woman in whatever form, is merely a piece of meat.
The male of our species has failed evolution to such great levels that the he can disprove the Darwinian Theory of Evolution! As I wrote further, I tried to consider the thought process that backs such behaviour.
At what point does a man decide that it is alright to speak openly and graphically about sexually satisfying a woman, without consent? Hell! Without even the necessity of the woman being an actual human.
I read further down the chain of comments on this post. In a stroke of genius, some man had commented that this is not the first time men have been turned on by an inanimate object of feminine nudity. He mentioned how men have been jerking off on animated characters.
That makes one wonder. Doesn’t it? Where have we arrived, and where exactly did we begin. In this Man’s World, we are slaves of religion and culture. Both these driving forces of society shun sexuality.
Then how do men find it mentally justifiable to send unsolicited dick-pics or comment with paragraphs of graphic sexual description of things they want to the woman in the post?
But I am a funny person. I look for positivity where there is not. I put the fun in funeral, and after all ladies, it is our funeral. Might as well have the last laugh. So in my madcap comic head, I tho about the comments I had come across.
Men were describing how they would lick the nude body of the woman in the painting and bring her pleasure. These men who fumble around in bed and don’t last more than a minute.
These men who spend more time putting on the condom, than actually putting it to use. THESE men talk of licking women to satisfaction. Men who won’t even know where exactly to do what they claim!