When Should Women have Sex While Dating?

I am sure all you ladies have thought “when should I have sex with this guy?” Well, if you’ve thought this, you’re certainly not the only one. You might have been in the dating game for long, or may have entered it recently or maybe making a comeback after an ugly breakup, but the rules don’t change, do they?
You always get questions such as “should I kiss him on the first date?”, “Is it too soon to make out with him?” Or even “how many dates before we both get to have sex with each other?”. Most of the ladies tend to feel confused about when to indulge in this act and seem to have no certain rules about it.
But the right answer to this question is that there are no wrong answers to it!! There is no formal timeline that one needs to follow or no rule book that says about the “right time to do the deed”. We all remember how Carrie Bradshaw from the Sex and the City brought to light the three date rule for having sex.
It simply popularised the notion that this short period gives a woman enough time to evaluate a person and their character and also it shows that you aren’t really desperate to have sex, even if you secretly are. A lot of women seem to have religiously followed this advice, simply because there was no better replacement to it.
However, what the ideal scenario should be, is to go with the flow. One does not fall in love on purpose and therefore, why should one ponder and ponder upon How long should they wait to have sex? Having a consensual sexual relationship with someone can do no harm to anyone.
What is important here is to note that both men and women should be open about whether they are just looking for sex or something long term. This can simply ease up your timeline and make you feel relaxed about when you should do it!
Many times people tend to get confused about moving too fast or moving too slow and we believe this shouldn’t be the case. While one must give an optimum amount of time to understand the other person and their needs, it is important to not feel pressurised to have sex simply because the other person is in a hurry.
It is also important to be open about your needs and when you feel that sexual attraction, it takes nothing to speak of it with your partner.
Many psychologists say that going for dates around a month or a little more than that can help build the sexual tension and result in an amazing and pleasurable time while doing it.
Some have also claimed that having sex too soon (within 1–2 dates) can lead to creating pseudo emotional bonds which in turn can prove toxic for your mental health. What’s surprising to note is that many have spent a one night stand and got married and many have waited to get married to have sex and have ultimately divorced their partners!
The only advice we can give you here is- be vocal and feel no pressure when it comes to having sex! Also, feel no shame and verbalise your sexual needs as openly as you can! It is very normal to have no particular timeline about indulging in this totally normal act but it is very crucial to maintain an open communication.
If you feel you might get hurt but the person creates a pressure for having sex soon “to get to know you better”, do not conform to it. Always take your time and decide wisely!