Thrillers A to Z- Part2: All the Books You Need!

We know you loved the series of thrillers so far. Here’s the next part of our list of A to Z thrillers that you absolutely must read! March right ahead!
N: New Moon
“I was well aware that we were both in grave peril. Still, I was in a good mood at the time. Whole. My pulse was beating in my chest, and the blood was pulsing hot and fast through my veins once more. The delicious aroma that emanated from his skin filled my lungs to capacity. It felt as if I’d never had a hole in my chest before. I was flawless — not healed, but as if the wound had never existed in the first place.”
Stephanie Meyer’s New Moon (from the Twilight series) is another fascinating blend of romance and suspense with a supernatural twist. This vampire love story is passionate, fascinating, and full of unexpected twists and turns, and it’s on its way to literary greatness.
O: Othello
Shakespeare writes a stunning drama in Othello about a marriage that begins with awe (between the exotic Moor Othello and the Venetian lady Desdemona), elopement, and passionate mutual attachment, and ends with jealous wrath and terrible deaths. He puts the drama in the romantic milieu of the Mediterranean, shifting the action from Venice to the island of Cyprus and infusing it with legends from Othello’s African past.
P: Persuasion
Anne Elliot, a twenty-seven-year-old heroine, is Austen’s most mature heroine. She is blissfully betrothed to a naval officer, Frederick Wentworth, eight years before the story proper begins, but she abruptly calls off the engagement after being convinced by her friend Lady Russell that such a match is unworthy. Anne is left with deep and long-lasting regret as a result of the separation.
This turn of events and the resulting drama makes this book a good read to get your hands on!
Q: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
This is the book that kicked off the Quiet Revolution. Introverts make up at least one-third of the people we know. They are the people who like to listen rather than speak; who develop and produce but despise self-promotion; and who prefer to work alone rather than in groups. We owe many of society’s major accomplishments to introverts like Rosa Parks, Chopin, Dr. Seuss, and Steve Wozniak.
Slightly aligned in the exploratory nature, this book is not exactly a thriller- but can serve as one who’re peeping into this world of introverts!
R: Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare created a harsh universe in Romeo and Juliet in which two young people fall in love. It’s not only that their families don’t like one another; the Montagues and the Capulets have a blood hatred.
The progression from love at first sight to the lovers’ eventual union in death seems almost inevitable in this death-filled milieu. Despite this, this magnificent world-set play has become the archetypal tale of teenage love.
Despite being known across the world for its ultimate separation, the plot and the emotions are worth giving a read- so don’t you judge a book by its cover!
S: Shadow Kiss
Lissa Dragomir is a Moroi princess, a mortal vampire with a unique ability to channel the power of the earth. Strigoi, the most ferocious vampires — the ones that never die — must be protected at all times. Rose Hathaway, Lissa’s best friend, is a Dhampir because of the potent mix of human and vampire blood that runs through her veins. Rose has made it her mission to defend Lissa from the Strigoi, who are hell-bent on turning her into one of them.
This is another of the fabulous vampire books that have been flooding the market and we love them cause they’re really gripping!
T: Twilight
Edward and Bella’s love story is told in Twilight. Forget about any other vampire romance you’ve ever read; Twilight is so different that it’s almost like it’s its own genre. Although the book is aimed towards Young Adult readers, it has the power to transcend age groups and will appeal to both teenagers and adults. Twilight is a nicely crafted book that is written simply. You can practically smell the wet air and hear the rain dropping on the roof from the descriptions of Forks.
There’s a reason for all the Twilight craze, and trust us, it’s not the movies- it’s the books!
U: Uglies
Tally is approaching her sixteenth birthday, and she can’t wait. She’ll get the operation that will transform her from a repulsive ugly to breathtaking pretty in only a few weeks. She’ll be thrown into a high-tech utopia as a beauty, where her only task is to have fun.
Tally’s new buddy Shay, on the other hand, isn’t convinced she wants to be a beauty. When Shay flees, Tally discovers a whole new side to the gorgeous world — and it’s not pretty.
A story that depicts the different sides of the world, Uglies is a good read that you can spend your time with.
V: Vampire Academy
Hidden in the deep forests of Montana are vampire royalty and their soon-to-be protectors. Inside the iron gates, however, life is far more dangerous… and the Strigoi are never far away.
Rose and Lissa must negotiate their perilous world, face forbidden love’s temptations, and never let their guard down, lest the terrible undead turn Lissa into one of them for good…
W: Water for Elephants
By the bestselling author of Riding Lessons, an evocative, gritty, and fascinating story of star-crossed lovers set in the circus world during 1932. When Jacob Jankowski, freshly orphaned and stranded, gets onboard a passing train, he enters a world of oddities, drifters, and misfits, a second-rate circus trying to make ends meet during the Great Depression by performing one-night stands in town after town.
X: Xanadu
While awaiting the results of his college examinations, William Dalrymple decides to take advantage of his summer vacation by going on a journey. But his vacation isn’t going to be a lighthearted student trip; he’s planning to retrace Marco Polo’s epic voyage from Jerusalem to Xanadu, Kubla Khan’s wrecked palace north of Peking. “In Xanadu” is travel writing at its best, intelligent and amusing.
Y: Year of Wonders
When plague spreads from London to a remote village via an infected bolt of cloth, a housemaid named Anna Frith emerges as an unlikely hero and healer. We follow Anna’s journey as she and her fellow villagers face the spread of disease and superstition during the dreadful year of 1666. Anna must find the resolve to confront the collapse of her society and the pull of illicit love as death enters every home and people move from prayers to bloodthirsty witch-hunting.
Z: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values
Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig is an analysis of how we live, a meditation on how to live better, centered on the narrative of a father and his young son on a summer motorcycle trip in America’s Northwest.
You’ll be well on your way to living a thrilling life if you can pick up even two or three of them.
Good luck with your reading and remain motivated!